My name is Adrienne and I am 18 years old studying a degree in Make up and Hair Design at Southampton Solent University.
Previous to this course I have had no experience working with make up as before this course I took A levels in History, English Language and Literature.
Make up has always fascinated me and I have always been amazed by the skill it takes to turn someone into the likes of a zombie and the work it takes into creating the flawless beauty looks.
During my time taking my A levels I co owned my own vintage clothing website on 'Asos Marketplace' with two of my friends and enjoyed creating the hair and makeup for out shoots on the site, however since I have come to uni we have had to give this up for a while as we are all spread out and don't have the means to work as often together.
I am excited to see what this course brings and what my life will be like in the next three years in Southampton.
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