The taming of the shrew (2005) represents new Elizabethan's in many of the characters.
The overall styling of the film is very Elizabethan in terms of the mise en scene. For example the reds and dark wooden furniture look very luxurious and red is a typical Elizabethan colour. The styling of the characters Katherine and Tim in the opening scene are hold Elizabethan qualities. Katherine is wearing a black suit, with her hair slicked back and parted in the middle much like an Elizabethan woman and Tim is wearing a black suit with a red tie, again very high class Elizabethan colours. This could be a link in the wealth of the characters Katherine and Tim to that of high class Elizabethans as these colours were expensive to import and therefore only worn by the rich.
image sourced from
The character Katherine represents a new Elizabethan to me as her hair changed when she met Petruchio. During the first scenes of the film Katherine always wore her hair pulled back whereas after meeting Petruchio she would be seen wearing her hair down. This makes it new Elizabethan for me as when Elizabethan women got married they would then wear their hair up as a sign that they were married and unavaiable, although it is the opposite in terms of hair being up then down as opposed to down then up, I recognise a link between the two.
These two characters have elements in both of them that remind me of Queen Elizabeth. Katherine for being very independent and Bianca for being admired and idolised and not being bothered about marriage this clear from her statement 'I will not get married until Katherine does'.
Image sourced from
Another character from the Taming of the shrew that represents a new Elizabethan to me would be Bianca. This is because she represents an iconic beauty in the film which was essentially what Queen Elizabeth was for the Elizabethans, she was their idea of beauty that everyone aspired to be. Her styling was often wearing gold, another luxurious colour seen on many of Queen Elizabeth's dresses in her portraits.
Another character who's styling represents the new Elizabethan's for me would be Petruchio when he was dressed as a woman on his wedding day. I feel this represents the new Elizabethan's as he has been styled in red silk which is again a sign of wealth and status in Elizabethan society.
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