Friday, 14 November 2014

Experimenting with Elizabethan makeup styles: Blocking out eyebrows.

Image sourced from google images, originally from

Image sourced from google images, originally from

As you can see from the historic portraits above Elizabethan's typically had pale eyebrows that were very rounded in shape and quite high up, to achieve this I have experimented with the process of blocking out the eyebrows in order to be able to draw them on higher and in the correct shape. 

Tools needed for this process were: A glue stick, a  spatula to apply the glue to the eyebrows, pale foundation/Illamasqua skin base, primer and setting powder. 

Here is the final outcome from my first time blocking out eyebrows 
 I think next time I use this to experiment with Elizabethan looks I will use a foundation under the skin base to take away more of the dark colour of the eyebrows. However when taking my final designs into consideration this may be a process I will use as I believe the outcome will be effective if I can find the correct method for blocking out my own dark eyebrows. 

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