Monday, 10 November 2014

New Elizabethans in todays society

When I think of embodying the new Elizabethan's I immediately thought of the character Blair Waldorf from the TV series 'Gossip Girl'. I feel that she is a great example of knowing all about self promotion. Despite often being portrayed in a bad light by 'Gossip Girl' (a website that essentially reveals secrets about a group of friends from New York) she always manages to come out on top. She has a group of 'minions' that follow her every move and trend and worship her as their icon. The way that the character Blair had been styled throughout the series also reminds me of someone who is royal. This reminded me of the fact that the Elizabethan's worshiped Queen Elizabeth and the fact that she is such an icon even today.

Another person that I think of when looking into New Elizabethans Katie Piper. I think that Katie is an exceptional role model to all people due to the fact that she has managed to overcome exceptionally devastating circumstances in her life and due to this has had to work at re gaining her beauty. This reminds me of the way in which Queen Elizabeth had to work on her beauty due to having smallpox. Katie Piper has had to have various types of surgery due to having acid thrown in her face whereas Queen Elizabeth decided to wear makeup to cover up the scars from having smallpox. 

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